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If you are interested to learn more or join our Data Hero Programme, please visit this link for the latest updates.

January 2022 marks an exciting start for the Gamuda Excellence Transformation team with the official launch of the Data Hero Programme (DHP). The DHP is an upskilling programme that aims to identify digital talents and cultivate innovation leaders Group-wide.

Innovation is in the DNA of every Gamudian. From the world’s first autonomous tunnel boring machine (A-TBM) to integrating augmented reality technology with Building Information Modelling (BIMAR), the organisation had steadily broken new ground in construction technology with in-house talents.

Recognising the huge technology opportunities today, the same teams behind some of Gamuda’s early innovations envisioned a widescale innovative culture being key to its future growth. Thus DHP came to be with the intent to tap into its sprawling workforce to upskill and develop leaders equipped with digital skills.

“The Data Hero Programme offers learning resources, structured pathways, and leadership opportunities for all Gamudians to develop their skillsets and hit the ground running with innovation projects. In essence, the DHP is establishing an ecosystem for ideas to turn into impactful solutions.”

“With the support provided by GET, we are excited to see what the future entails for our Data Heroes.” said John Lim Ji Xiong, Head of GET.


The DHP offers participants access to Pluralsight learning platform to undergo numerous digital courses.

The team reached out to Wong Huan Yang, one of the earliest participants since August last year. Besides his regular work with Gamuda Business Unit (GBU), Huan Yang was commissioned to develop an application monitoring wide-scale tree-planting projects across Kuala Lumpur and Penang. A million trees and saplings will be monitored individually, demanding a robust system to streamline data and generate insights crucial to the Group’s Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) journey.


The application grants an overview of tree-planting projects across Gamuda.

“It was a truly unique experience uniting Gamudians across business units, sharing knowledge and solving problems together. We appreciated the learning platforms and supportive community provided in the programme, which had helped us immensely in our journey.”

“I hope to keep exploring new methods and technologies with DHP to bring impactful business solutions.” Huan Yang.

With the launch of DHP in January 2022, we’re excited to develop more talents like Huan Yang and fan the flames of innovation further.

Related topics: analyticsdataData Hero Programmesustainability