On 28 February 2022, Digital Construction Online Asia hosted a webinar on the road to digitalisation in the Asian construction industry. Together with other industry experts, we had Aloysies Nathan (Senior BIM Manager) to drive the discussion. Check out the recording of the event here.
Note: The recording will be available only until the end of March 2022.
Below are some of interesting points that were brought up during the talk.

“Gamuda is the first contractor certified in Malaysia for [ISO 19650]. By getting this certification, we will [push] our supply chains, contractors and consultants to adopt BIM into their system and construction.”

“Every project is unique by itself, and it is very hard to quantify how much cost using BIM or Digital Twin will save you. However, it will help in decision-making which is not a tangible or quantifiable value, but you know you will be saving.”

“Adapt, learn and train is one way of forward [to increase BIM competency of construction site workers]. If not, you will be left behind and become obsolete.”